HomeCasa Fratii lui OnisimCopii miciCLAUDIU, COSTIN ȘI MARIA



Claudiu, Costin şi Maria sunt trei copii superbi a căror mamă nu i-a putut creşte acasă, aşa cum ar fi vrut, dar care s-a rugat stăruitor de conducerea Asociaţiei Isus Speranţa României să-i ia pe toţi copiii la Casa „Fraţii Onisim”. Dorinţa ei de a-şi şti copiii împreună s-a împlinit. Ei au crescut mai bine de un an la o familie de asistenţi maternali, dar s-au bucurat enorm de mult când şi-au reîntâlnit sora şi ceilalţi verişori de la Onisim. Costin avea mânuţa în gips când ne-am întâlnit, dar se străduia să îşi facă curăţenie în cameră. „M-am împiedicat şi am alunecat. Îmi place de mami, cea care este mămica de la ISR.” Între timp, verişorul lui îi şopteşte la ureche să spună ce îi place la Onisim. „Îmi place că fac baie, că sunt curat, că tot timpul mă spăl pe dinţi. Avem chiuvetă, vană, mâncare. Acasă nu prea aveam mâncare. Mami meu plânge după mine, dar ea nu avea cum să mă îngrijească. Uneori mâncam cartofi prăjiţi, dar nu tot timpul”, poveste confirmată şi de celălalt frăţior, Claudiu. Maria era internată la spital, fiindcă ea a avut o problemă de sănătate mai veche ce nu a mai suportat amânare. Costin, fiind purtătorul de cuvânt al fraţilor, ne-a spus cu mult entuziasm că a fost pentru prima dată când a ajuns la munte, în tabăra „Roua Apusenilor”. „Nu am mai văzut muntele până acum. E fain!…Ne-am jucat, am mâncat, a fost frumos.”

Claudiu, Costin and Maria are three beautiful children.Their mother could not afford to raise them at home, like she would have wanted to and she pleaded with “Jesus the Hope of Romania” to take in all her children. Her desire of having all the three siblings grow up together became true a few weeks ago. About a year and a half ago, Claudiu and Costin were too little to come to “Onesimus Brothers,” therefore only their sister came. They spent this time in a foster family and were thrilled when, finally, they got to be reunited with Maria and their cousins at “Onesimus Brothers.”Costin had a plaster on his hand when we met but he was trying hard to keep his room tidy. “I tripped and I fell. I like my mommy,” he says as he points to Dana, his new mother from JHOR. Meanwhile, his cousin whispers into his ear, asking him to tell me what he likes most at “Onesimus Brothers.” “I like taking baths and staying clean, I like brushing my teeth. Here we have a sink, a bathtub and food. At home we didn’t have much food. I know my old mommy misses me but she couldn’t take care of me. Sometimes we had French fries but not all the time.” His brother, Claudiu, nods his head, confirming the story. Maria was in hospital when I visited them; she had an older health problem which could no longer be delayed. Therefore, Costin was the spokesperson for the family. Enthusiastically, he told me that this summer he went to the mountains, for the very first time in his life! He went to JHOR’s “Apuseni’s Dew” summer camp. “I have never seen mountains before! It was cool! We played, we ate. It was really nice.” Starting this Fall, the three siblings will go to school and kindergarten. They are thrilled that each of them will have their own backpack, with a special pocket for the water bottle.

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